First of all no offense intended but the old saying goes your mouth should not write checks that you’re but cannot cash shouldn’t make promises that you can’t keep or should not keep if it’s wrong it’s wrong no if Ann’s or but’s God says not for you to keep promises it’s either yes or no do not swear on anything not even on a hair of your head that’s where I’m coming from have a blessed day

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Sep 21Liked by Daniele Bolelli

For me, promises are sacred. There is no wriggling out of the commitment, no way to rationalize a broken promise. A promise broken destroys any possibility of trust between the parties -- anything remaining is surface courtesy. A lie is similar. It is, in effect, another way of breaking a promise. The unspoken promise maintain a faithful coherence between who you say you are and who you are.

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Sep 21Liked by Daniele Bolelli

By the way, so nice to honor your beautiful grandmother and father by sharing these photos. I miss mine every single day 🥹

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Sep 21Liked by Daniele Bolelli

An honorable way to live. One’s word is everything. Just as God’s Word created us and our world. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, very poignant piece!

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Sep 21Liked by Daniele Bolelli

I understand the sentiment about the importance of a promise, but Daniele, you were right to use the word "man." The idea that "a promise is forever" stems from a male-dominated perspective, a position of power that dictates absolutes. As I read your thoughts, I kept thinking, "Have you ever been a parent?" As a mother, I’ve made promises to my kids, but life can interfere, making it impossible to fulfill them. This absolutist mindset persists in an indulgent philosophical space, removed from the complexities of real life.

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IN MY EXPERIENCE ( I am making that bold for a reason Ladies, OKAY! ), it has been more Girls/Women/Ladies that bail out of their word than Men/Guys/Boys.

This then roles over into the definition of a Man, which is for me to make another post about at another time, but for now; because of MY EXPERIENCES with this behavior, I also agree he said it right the first time.

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that’s why I tend to under-promise. And i use the word ‘promise’ only when I’m absolutely certain that I’ll be able to keep it

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A guy told me once, “Promise less than you can do but do more than you promise.”

My grandfather said, “Man can take everything away from you, but the one thing he can’t take is your education.”

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Sep 21Liked by Daniele Bolelli

so true. thank you

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